It Was the Best of Times...

A student stands in between the bookshelves of a library

Graduate school – what could be better? Time to pursue your academic dreams, get loads of attention from respected scholars, and have a supportive group of peers. This and more, says UCLA Professor David Shorter, in a recent Chronicle article. Noting that graduate education “is a stage, not a destination,” Shorter outlines six key lessons to help new graduate students maximize their experience. Accordingly, he advises students to begin with the end goal in mind, and develop a tangible exit plan that assists in time management during the first critical years. When evaluating advisors, Shorter counsels: ask what you need at this stage of your life; don’t expect your advisor to be all things. Cultivate supportive relationships through professional behavior, and remember you will be relying on faculty for letters of reference! See the full article here. Was the Worst of Times

Elizabeth Keenan, writing in Vitae, outlines "The Worst Advice Grad Students Get" followed by "More Bad Advice Grad Students Get". In her humorous column Keenan says that yes, choosing your adviser is a critically important decision and yes, if you've started a master's it's better to finish it first, before going on to a PhD. Keenan also urges students to neither a Montague nor a Capulet be: stay out of faculty feuds. Oh, and while one can (sometimes) find a date within one's department – far better, Keenan says, that it not be with a professor. See the articles above for additional advice from someone who has been there.

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